But if the pickup lines work, danger still lurks

At a very distant sheep farm lived a lonely farmer with his three daughters. Now and again he was concerned, that his three daughters have no chance of finding life partners due to isolation of his station.

How great was his surprise and pleasure, when one evening he answered a knock on the door, and he saw a strapping well dressed young man, with a bunch of carnations, who said:

     “My name is Joe,

     I came for Floe,

     to take her out to a show

The farmer eagerly called Floe, and was happy to see the two of them drive away.

He could not believe his luck, when shortly afterwards there was another knock on the front door.

As he opened it, there he saw another well dressed young man, with a bunch of roses, and the following words:

     “My name is Vance

     I came for Nance

     to take her out to a dance”

With great satisfaction he watched the youngsters departing, and he had barely sunk into the sofa, with a quiet wish, about being lucky for the third time, when sure enough, there was a knock on the door!

As he opened the door, yes, again there was another well dressed young man, with a bunch of flowers, who started:

     “My name is Buck..

The farmer interrupted him:

“Fuck off Buck! before I get my shotgun!!!”

Relationship T Shirts



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Important Information

Click the T Shirt image for full details, prices, shipping & ordering

These T shirts are sourced from AliExpress, the Chinese version of Amazon.  Prices are super cheap with prices starting from $0.01 plus a shipping charge and others have free shipping and or free returns. Shipping can take up to 5 weeks, but the price compensates.

Most T Shirts have a range of colours and sizes with some also having multiple variations on the same theme.  Most state they are 100% cotton.

Be wary of the sizes, but if you scroll down you will find most have size charts and some will advise that they are Asian sizes and you should order a size or two larger, others state they are Western sizes.

Ordering online is easy, prices are super cheap, some designs are funny or stunning or both.

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